R22: Abu Dhabi, UAE
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Team Budget Ranking
The team with the highest budget at the end of the season wins. Because the basic idea of the game is to collect as many points as possible, following points should be noticed: A team is penalized by 1 M. per -5 team change points in a race. A team is also penalized by 1 M. per 10 M. cash balance available in a race. Remark: The penalties are only applied within the Team Budget Ranking in case of equal team values and have no effect on the team budget.
Pos. Team Owner Points Overall Pos. Team Value Penalty
1601.Schlecht Motorsport 2Schlecht455GER17391732.129 M.-16 M.
1602.23 ana*angelusESP15461790.129 M.-28 M.
1603.ATG Nordic 88 Racing 1ATG88AUT22101286.128 M.0 M.
1604.Scotborders T6ScotBordersFXGBR20271484.128 M.0 M.
1605.ZakspeedBertuzziGBR20221489.128 M.0 M.
1606.Best of the restMARKIJGBR19971514.128 M.0 M.
1607.NormS_02NormSUSA19881524.128 M.0 M.
1608.FrentzenBertuzziGBR19871525.128 M.0 M.
1609.brAun_ElektroEVMatteoLCSPM21881317.128 M.-1 M.
1610.Matias 3MatiasUSA20111501.128 M.-1 M.
1611.FoksmashDonkeyZebraUSA19321583.128 M.-2 M.
1612.MickMacP 1MickMacPaddywack2
National PFF1 Champion: Ireland 2015, 2017
IRL19911520.128 M.-3 M.
1613.Rubicon Projsk8sfastrN
National PFF1 Champion: USA 2007
USA20291482.128 M.-4 M.
1614.SportsfanAdventure Becky (R)USA19461569.128 M.-4 M.
1615.Coca-ColaNokiamannGER18591650.128 M.-4 M.
1616.tailspinDaveCAN14661803.128 M.-4 M.
1617.Team 29joecarUSA18531653.128 M.-5 M.
1618.Team ChampjoecarUSA18421662.128 M.-5 M.
1619.Speedmaster OnespeedmasterGBR20111500.128 M.-7 M.
1620.Frogs RacingKadalora (R)AUT19621549.128 M.-7 M.
1621.Williams-HondaIvo IvanovBUL19181592.128 M.-7 M.
1622.RC4 RacingRELENTLESS COMICS (R)GBR18661646.128 M.-7 M.
1623.Leanne PerrinsDOC MARTIN RACINGGBR18531654.128 M.-7 M.
1624.McLarenhon3yb4dger (R)GBR12571818.128 M.-7 M.
National PFF1 Champion: USA 2010
USA18821625.128 M.-13 M.
65 / 74 

106 Race 22  020
3739 (477) Abu Dhabi, UAE (24.11.2023-26.11.2023) 389

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